Eight-Stars Pharmacist

someone asked me, "what will you be??"
"Pharmacist", i said

yaa.. pharmacist!
di negara Indonesia tercinta ini, mungkin profesi pharmacist, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut apoteker memang belum populer. Coba deh kalian tanyain sama anak kecil, kalo ditanya, nanti kalau sudah besar, cita-citanya mau jadi apa? pasti deh jawabnya antara dokter, guru, insinyur, pilot, polisi, tentara, atau lainnya. jarang banget ada yang jawab mau jadi apoteker.
yap, memang profesi apoteker tidak sepopuler profesi2 lain yang disebutkan di atas.
Pun kalo orang2 ditanya apoteker itu kerjanya apa? mungkin sebagian orang hanya menjawab, jaga apotek, jualan obat!
huhuu... sebenernya bukan itu, guys!

Sebagai tenaga kesehatan, apoteker memainkan fungsi yang terangkum dalam Seven-star pharmacist.
(dan sekarang ditambah dengan satu fungsi lagi --> eight star pharmacist)

Berikut ini penjelasannya, yang saya ambil dari buku Developing pharmacy practice, A focus on patient care
oleh badan kesehatan dunia WHO.

Seven star pharmacist :
Caregiver: Pharmacists provide caring services. They must view their practice as integrated and continuous with those of the health care system and other health professionals. Services must be of the highest quality.

Decision-maker: The appropriate, efficacious, safe and cost-effective use of resources (e.g., personnel, medicines, chemicals, equipment, procedures, practices) should be the foundation of the pharmacist’s work. At the local and national levels, pharmacists play a role in setting medicines policy. Achieving this goal requires the ability to evaluate, synthesize data and information and decide upon the most appropriate course of action.

Communicator: The pharmacist is in an ideal position to provide a link between prescriber and patient, and to communicate information on health and medicines to the public. He or she must be knowledgeable and confident while interacting with other health professionals and the public. Communication involves verbal, non-verbal, listening and writing skills.

Manager: Pharmacists must be able to manage resources (human, physical and financial) and information effectively; they must also be comfortable being managed by others, whether by an employer or the manager/leader of a health care team. More and more, information and its related technology will provide challenges as pharmacists assume greater responsibility for sharing information about medicines and related products and ensuring their quality.

Life-long-learner: It is impossible to acquire in pharmacy school all the knowledge and experience needed to pursue a life-long career as a pharmacist. The concepts, principles and commitment to life-long learning must begin while attending pharmacy school and must be supported throughout the pharmacist’s career. Pharmacists should learn how to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.

Teacher: The pharmacist has a responsibility to assist with the education and training of future generations of pharmacists and the public. Participating as a teacher not only imparts knowledge to others, it offers an opportunity for the practitioner to gain new knowledge and to fine-tune existing skills.

Leader: In multidisciplinary (e.g., team) caring situations or in areas where other health care providers are in short supply or non-existent the pharmacist is obligated to assume a leadership position in the overall welfare of the patient and the community. Leadership involves compassion and empathy as well as vision and the ability to make decisions, communicate, and manage effectively. A pharmacist whose leadership role is to be recognized must have vision and the ability to lead.

And the added function of:

Researcher: The pharmacist must be able to use the evidence base (e.g., scientific, pharmacy practice, health system) effectively in order to advise on the rational use of medicines in the health care team. By sharing and documenting experiences, the pharmacist can also contribute to the evidence base with the goal of optimizing patient care and outcomes. As a researcher, the pharmacist is able to increase the accessibility of
unbiased health and medicines-related information to the public and other health care professionals.

Yaa..seorang apoteker (ahhh..saya lebih suka menyebutnya farmasis, hehe) mungkin sulit untuk menjalankan ke-seluruh 8 fungsi tersebut bersamaan. Mampu menjalankan 3 saja sudah bagus sekali (in my opinion).  

Kalau dibaca dan dipahami lagi, bagi saya ke-8 fungsi farmasis ini seperti menggambarkan di masa mendatang mau jadi farmasis yang bagaimana kamu??
Di jalan yang sedang saya tapaki sekarang ini.. saya berkeinginan untuk menjadi researcher alias peneliti. Sangat menyenangkan apabila mampu memecahkan suatu permasalahan  dan menemukan jawabannya melalui sebuah penelitian.
Tapi itu tidak mutlak, maksudnya : heeey...hidup itu penuh ketidakpastian! jadi dalam life map yang saya punya..saya tidak hanya punya plan A. Saya ingin memainkan peran sebagai  leader atau manager di sebuah industri farmasi, ataupun teacher , dosen yang mencetak farmasis-farmasis handal selanjutnya. hmm..atau, bisakah saya menjalankan beberapa fungsi farmasis yang telah disebutkan diatas sekaligus? ahh.. saya jadi teringat dosen saya yang luar biasa , ibu Zullies, yang dalam pandangan saya beliau menjalankan keseluruhan fungsi farmasis dengan baik. Balik lagi, apapun itu, yang jelas saat ini yang harus saya lakukan adalah melakukan yang terbaik di setiap apa yang saya jalani. Saya bermimpi, karena itu saya harus berusaha!
(akhir2nya kok malah ngomongin diri sendiri yaa?? hehe.. tak apalah, saya akan berusaha  menjadi farmasis handal buat negeri ini)

2 Responses
  1. aaiiiiihhh..
    kat2 pertamanya itu lhoo..

  2. Fikri Amalia Says:

    yang mana,yang mana??