Happy Birthday

May there always be work 4 ur hands to do
May your purse always had a coin or two
May the sun always shine on ur windowpane
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain
May our hands always be near you
May God fill ur heart with gladness
to cheer you...

Hoping that your day will be as special as you are
Count your life by smiles
Count your age by friends
We're so glad you were born,
coz you brighten our life, fill it with joy..
You're not getting older, you're getting better..

that was written in my 20th birthday card,
thanks friends.. i just lucky that i was born, to know you, to have you in my life:)

Seputar Skripsi

Beberapa quote dari Pak Anies Baswedan seputar skripsi : 

# Menulis skripsi adalah menaklukan diri sendiri.

# Cara mengerjakan skripsi adalah potret diri penulisnya saat senyatanya kerja mandiri.

# Skripsi bukan sekadar soal riset; skripsi adalah simulasi cara berkarya/ bekerja setelah lulus kuliah.

# Menunda-nunda pengerjaan skripsi adalah mengakumulasi rasa sesal.

# Akhirnya skripsi yang ditunda-tunda itu tetap harus diselesaikan juga.

# Membaca referensi banyak-banyak buat skripsi itu baik, tapi menuliskan hasil bacaan itu jauh lebih baik :).

# Makin lama jeda pengerjaan skripsi, makin sulit memulainya lagi.

# Makin sulit memulai lagi, makin lama selesainya.

# Skripsi yang membanggakan & menenangkan seumur hidup penulisnya adalah skripsi dibuat dng KEJUJURAN.

# Sibuk mengerjakan skripsi itu baik, tapi menyelesaikan skripsi itu jauh lebih baik :).

# Dan akhirnya, skripsi yang baik adalah skripsi yang selesai :D
well, semangat buat teman2 yang sedang menjalaninya (termasuk saya, hhe..)


anyone know what's the meaning of 6 letter above? tell me..

Allah leads my way

Many dreams,many things i wanna do in my life. For me, Life is an adventure. So i’ve to try what i really want, what i never do before. A dream, i tried to make it real in my limited time. One by one i do what i could do to make it happen. And finally the answer is “NO”. Allah has answered it, and it means that it’s not my way. There’s no regret, cause i’ve tried the maximum i can. I believe, Allah has the other way for me, the better one. One more thing, i believe Allah will always leads me to find my way.. ^^